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Haunted Table Games

A member registered Oct 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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If you're talking about Anomalies (to capture), homebrewing those is easy! If you mean Anomalies (Character piece) those are a little tougher. In the final game, each of the 9 Anomalies have 21 abilities total. Making a new one is a pretty big undertaking, but it's possible!

Overall, I think TA has lots of room to add stuff in, but homebrewing it with a full reskin/overhaul is going to be challenging. The mechanical design is tied pretty closely to its specific story world. I'm interested to see what people come up with, though!

There are some abilities mixed throughout the Anomaly options that concern this stuff, but not a dedicated Anomaly. The final rules have the same 27 character pieces as the Delta Test does.

Hi there! High-pressure situations like combat are primarily narrative (whoever has something to try does it) but there is some guidance for how GMs can best keep it flowing in the GM Toolkit part of the Delta. There's a little more guidance in the upcoming full version as well, but combat doesn't require turn order.

Thank you!!!

Hi, Flux! Triscendence only activates when you roll three 3s naturally. Adjustments can make the roll stable (no chaos is generated at three 3s) but not Triscendent.

To answer your question while avoiding spoilers: It activates it! That effect causes death, which means it specifically triggers that policy.

If you ever have questions about GMing, join us on the Discord! Our community discusses rules a lot and both designers are there to answer questions.

Thank you!!! I'm so glad you've enjoyed the game so far.

You can now order the book on its own on our pre-order page:

There's going to be a solo game in the Triangle Agency setting created by Alfred Valley! This particular game, featuring Field Agents and General Managers, is in part about the relationship between those two groups, and so a direct translation of this game to solo wouldn't really work for our goals. I hope you'll enjoy the new solo game when it comes out next year, though!

Not any time soon! Right now our focus is entirely on getting the full book finished. I bet you wouldn't be alone looking for something like this, though, and I recommend asking around our Discord if someone has made something like that for their home games.

(1 edit)

Thank you so much! So glad to hear you're excited, and so sorry for the initial delay 😅

Now that it's available, enjoy Space!

Thank you so much!!! This is so kind. We look forward to hearing about your games!

This expansion shows such a deep and generous understanding of what Triangle Agency is going for. The Agent's mechanics are so well put together, and the mission is scary, cool, and uniquely Colony: SALEM, too. 

Plus the COVER! And the Agent portrait, especially that gorgeous background!! This is a really really amazing thing to see day one, and I get emotional reading it!!


This is such a kind review!!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it. Please let us know if you make a podcast episode about the game!

Thanks again for letting us know! It should now be searchable once again.

Yes! It looks like in fixing the issue with the GM PDF from yesterday, we created this one! This should be updated in about fifteen minutes.

This is a good question!! For playtests, we've been using simple dice rollers and video calls! Roll20 can totally handle it in the "you can roll 6d4" kinda way, but a digital play method is something we're hoping to figure out when we crowdfund the full game!