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Haunted Picnic

A member registered Feb 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you and you're totally right!!! 

Emailed~! :)

Thank you soo much!!! Really means a lot to read such kind words! 
(But the opening line DID give me a heart attack haha)

Thank you so much for such a thorough and concise review! 

  • In terms of Resurrection and Resting I agree it does seem quite consequence free. Wasn't sure to suggest as optional or omit but I like your suggestion of an off screen scene that mechanically works as "resting" but is more in line with Slasher activities.
  • Having Gifted as Killers is great and an idea I've been musing on over the course of making this. Have been thinking about adding it as a 3rd faction for GM's to use as well as a new Character Archetype for players!
  • I will fix those grammatical/spelling/etc asap so thank you for finding those! 
  • The Reload action I need to word better. My intention was the sever cost of the Reload Tag WAS that it costs a combat action.

Such a helpful review Kumada1, thank you again for the kind words and glad to see my idea of cosmic injustice being clear enough ! Glad you liked it :)

Love these! So good dude and I used a few in a playtest ttrpg I recently released! Such good stuff man!

These are incredible! I'd love to use them in something commercially. Is their a commercial licence or fee and what your preferred links/handles/etc for being credited would be if so~! If not, I won't and simply enjoy them!! :D


Oh yes!!!! Gore-geous Stuff, Odd.

Thanks so much! Glad you like it 😄

Ah glad to here it! And a gift copy is always a nice gesture~!! (When able of course)

Amended~! (And terribly embarrassing) haha.

A place to post artwork or artists who always help you get into the zone when creating ttrpgs, characters or sessions for Players.

Music or Images!! Post some of those inspirational materials you enjoy. Here's a few that I always like.

 Yasushi Nirasawa - Sentai Style Designs.

Uno Moralez - Amazing Pixel Artist

thanks Jelly!

And so did you I'm sure! :)

A charming concept and some even more charming artwork~!

Yes! And hey boring or not balance is important :)

"Dwarvish Space Opera" is something I didn't know I needed but I 100% do~! Great concept.

Thank you~! :) 

Some of the tables I've got reduce how many dice Enemies can use "WEAKEN" as an example! My idea is a Sewer Supernatural Dungeon Crawler set in a post apocalyptic world. I love the idea of spending dice and using tables :D

Oh I can't imagine how difficult programming climbing mechanics (1st time too) must've been. But yeah amazing concept and you can really see the effort in it. Time crunch of 3 months woh yeah thats tight! You guys did really well and thanks for listenining!

Hey! My friend and I have a podcast and we reviewed your game! 
I really enjoyed the concept :)
Scratch that Itch

(1 edit)

Thanks to everyone whose purchased or claimed a copy~! It's really awesome to see and hope you've enjoyed your sci-fi shenanigans.

I'm working on a game where Players must run a Galactic Space Ball Event for powerful Space Empire Leaders to keep the peace. You can be a chef, decorator, etc. Everything must run smoothly or else~!

Dating Sim/ Fighting is a wonderful fusion~!!! 

Thanks soo much!!! And nailed it OP succubi is the vibe. Over the Top~!


This game is incredible! And the style my god!!! Oozing

Just finished making my game! I'll link on twitter (I'm StuartH_VA there)

This looks so simple and approachable~! Keen to try and make/play a game with this system asap!

Thanks :)

OOoo Amazing!

This design is Incredible~!

Really engaging and just makes you want to learn everything about the world its set!

Ah bugger! Fixed! Thanks for letting me know.

Will do :)

Hey, sorry I took so long to get back! Mind & Muscle are just different terms for the +'s you get to specific checks. So if it asks for a Mind Roll, you add any modifier there and any dmg you take will go to SANITY (Muscle-BODY) but I was considering using the threshold from the previous game so good to know!! 

Congrats surviving! you get a level up now when you try again :D And Companions are like items you can use multiple times (passively) But once you have 1 companion you have to "Sacrifice them" to be able to get another. Thank you soo much for testing !! This is all really helpful information. :)

Hey Damien, I'll add a clarifying page (just encase I didn't) but
-When BODY goes to 0 = You skip a day (Wed-then Friday) as if passing out.
-SANITY  0 you lose. Start again!
Mind and Muscle reset each day (which I might change) but you can increase them with items/your daily action. Hope that helped and thanks for the feedback! means alot!!  

1. A new product but will be released (free) for playtesting 1st! I'm aiming to update the Core one for free as I go. 
2. I'd say 3-4 though I have done 1on1 which was alright, GM just might have to tweak how much dmg things do/etc :)

Simple but effective! Love the design.

Not only fabulous wigs but ALSO Dyslexic and Disability accessible. Yessssss~!