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Hurter the 73rd

A member registered Apr 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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100 years if you're feeling optimistic (words from judas himself)

чтобы был воркшоп

в стим выйдет короче

override.cfg didn't generate

anyway, i fixed the issue myself

can't really say much since this is just a demo, but fallen enemies are just way too glitchy even for that

you could waste hours on optimising this mod with some decompiler but it's just not worth it

it doesnt even work

poor optimisation, the only way is to fix code (or at least remove the unused one)

I remember seeing stuff like game generating palms that you can't see because they aren't even supposed to be there, basically there's lots of code that visually doesn't do anything but still uses your computer's resources 

ok and?

anime pfp

not sure why was this made

лучше никак

ничего не изменилось, даже баги не пофиксили

название досконально украдено у сивира

разраб конч