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A member registered Apr 16, 2020

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Ohh makes sense. I bet ALL 3 sound designers (yes, I said 3, don't think that you can hide Giovanni) and the 2 3D artists were very preoccupied throughout the development process, to the point that they had no time to try and play the video game. 

Really cool idea, I think the concept is really smart, I like the grain effects on the camera, and the environment is pretty great too. Was impressed! 

Did you really have to make the bat move so slowly? 

How did 7 people participate in the production of this "game"? How did multiple people work on the awesome animations of the enemies falling over and then sliding off to the side at .5 speed? Why does the first boss say "I see you." in extremely low volume over and over again? Why is there an enormous delay on the attacks? Why do the enemies die and then come back all of a sudden when I kill them? What the hell ever happened to Giovanni Mennuni?