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A member registered Dec 26, 2017 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

Yay! Thank you, i'm glad to be a supporter :)

Animal Whisper has really touched me..... I totally LOVE it! It's so amazing! The story... Is absolutely amazing. And yes! Cats, especially' can see things we can't see, and they do live in-between worlds, they can do what humans and dogs can't, This game is absolutely astonishing! This game will make it to the top! Keep up the great and wonderful work you are doing for the wonderful animal whisper game... 

With lots of love harmony...

Thank you so very very much! Keep up the great motivation, btw' if you put this game up for a demo try out on steam, i'll root you on, and help support this wonderful game, nvm' the sarcasm or negative reaction, we need to see this game through, and yes alot of bugs needs to be taken care of, although this game has really touched my 💕... 

The beginning is so so sad, although the graphics and the game itself is amazing. I love it! I've donated $5.00

By the way is it possible to add a girl into the game?. With different hair styles and clothes. Hope to see it in the next update...

Thank you so very much for the lovely game.

(1 edit)

I paid for it and still got nothing

Will it be controller compatible?