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A member registered 45 days ago

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(1 edit)

Man can someone just send me it on discord I won't have a notification on it and won't make it to it 😕 so it'll get expired sorry for asking to much 

Ohh alright then Ty my man

Uhh is my website glitching or this is a password reset?

Caribdis my man can you send me a discord invite? That would be awesome! If you did can you make sure the link won't expire for some time I might not answer fast for it :⁠^⁠) if you don't mind sending ofc and thank you!

(3 edits)

NOOOOO It got expired 😭 can you send it again pls with a longer life span if possible thank you here's my account you can send it there if you don't mind harith0465_91464 here's my discord you can send it there if you don't mind 

Hi everyone can someone send me a invite link to the discord? That would be awesome and also I'm on android I had to redownload the game because I didn't know how to update can someone also teach me that if possible thanks again