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Harbrus Games

A member registered Oct 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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I have seen a lot of traction recently. If anybody is interested, I could consider reworking the game and finding a way to publish it. What do you think?

Feel free to share your highscore!

We have also a new trailer for the game (might contains some spoilers or hints depending on how you consider them ahah)

Yes definitely, it is available at a different link on the web-build but because of the rules, we took that off because it was made after the submission deadline. Other than this, thanks for the feedback, and glad you liked it! :)

Apologise for that. We did not have the time to do multiple resolutions & responsive layouts.

Thanks :) hope to get some visibility in here, lots of games! But thanks for the thoughts and glad you enjoyed it so much!

Nice idea and execution. The pacing was a bit slow and I got stuck inside a platform. All understandable, it's a jam game afterall. :)

I personally use a classic setup with my Pinky on shift. I see your points, we just did not have the time for polishing controls and also add a gamepad option. Thanks for the feedback ;)

We are happy that you had a good time! :)

uuuh! Good job!

(2 edits)

Very well polished presentation. I have read somewhere you had 7 more levels... I wish I could play those! It was a bit unclear at the beginning the objective and I was not sure if I could deflect bullets into enemies (could not manage to do that alone) but I really liked it, congrats! :)

oh of course, that was meant as in "if you continue you should look into that ;)"

(1 edit)

Well done! Who knows... there might be more? :P

This is a very good puzzle-platformer game. I loved the aesthetics, music and gameplay :)

This game has many "clever" things.  I found it interesting jumping while the other half is falling or jumping and be blocked by the layout only on one half. The game has also a nice development with the blue brain powerup and good level design. Loved experience!

The game is great, with good design and presentation! One feedback that came to my mind is to keep consistent the dancer movement when the level reset. It is a bit hard to re-learn the rhythm each time but it is a great experience nonetheless :)

(2 edits)

Great presentation and idea. Really enjoyed it! I can see how this would have lots of potential by further developing the concept (e.g. different entities with clear and predictable patterns) and have a bit more refinement to the aiming and lassoing part (e.g. a cross-air). Loved it!

I like this game. Solid idea and good levels :)

Nice, simple, and original idea!

I like the game and the potential here. With a little of more polishing (I understand the pressure of 48 hours ahah) will be a good game :) 

Aw, thanks!

Thanks for playing. We submitted it for the GMTK JAM 2022 ;)

Thanks for playing it! :) Glad you liked :)

Short and sweet. Liked the use of gradients for interactable objects. Also, good hints :)

Yeah, the kind of things that happen during the Jam, sorry about that. As I said I will update you in the case I get a mac build release. In the meantime you can checkout the other games in my pages, hope you will find some cool games to play :D

Hey, sorry to hear that. I cannot test myself since I am using Windows, so I have asked one of the Dev to build another release for mac if he can. For now, I am just removing the mac version and consider it not available anymore. Will let you know if the situation change, and sorry again for the inconveniences.

Sorry about that, I have added the mac build. Thanks for your interest and consider checking out my other games ;)

Loved it. Really cool puzzles.

I really loved the experience. Hard and punishing at a point you have to really plan each move.

Good game, I like the style and the core mechanics. It could be greatly improved with some kind of feedback when enemies hit you and vice versa.

Interesting concept looking forward to see further development. What will the main "colours" power be ? 

There was some good tension all the time. Looking forward to play the complete version! Keep up the good work :)

Great short and intense experience. I would have loved more if it had some other scenes as well to increase the tension. Thanks :)

As reported in the install instructions:


Left Shift: Pick up/Release the ball 

Left CTRL: Pee on the pole 

Space: Jump

 A/D = Movements

Added a new zip file. Let me know if this works :)

Thanks for the clarification :)

Thanks for your feedback. Did you wish the movement were smother in terms of controls response? Or that the dragon could move freely in the map?

Hey, can you please tell me which file are you trying to launch? Extract the files inside the zip and then, in the dragon v3 folder, launch 2buttongame.exe

Hi there, thanks for the feedback.  Yes, we will add arrow controls and gamepad :)