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A member registered Sep 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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Yeah I couldn't think of a good way to make it clear at the time. I think having like a ui thing that pops up when you are near the fruit in spawn will probably give the player a hint.  Thanks for the feed back!!

Mostly just pick up the red balls and give them to the bigger guys until they grow and die

Thanks for your feedback!! Unfortunately our artist left abruptly, which demotivated some team members. So I had to do both the programming and art at one point in time. Its a bit of a dungeon crawler due to there being a goal, but I did also feel that I was mostly defending 99% of the game haha.

Really fun haha!

Will release a more bug free version after the game jam. Glad to see some feedback on my first gamejam along with dustins first. Ill be sure to improve for the next one :P