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I would like to start off by saying that today I have officially finished OW. I completed all of the LI endings last night, only to find myself drowning in tears as I tried to fall asleep. I finished the neutral ending this morning and started sobbing all over again. Yeah... thanks :{ But I was honestly very pleased with this game.

 Let me to clarify that I am not accustomed to leaving comments on games; this is actually my first one. However, I felt compelled to share my thoughts, so please excuse any 'unprofessionalism' on my part. 

When I discovered this game, I wasn't sure what to expect. I was simply exploring the many games (specifically VNs) that had to offer and happened to stumble upon OW, which I then played and, of course, am now currently leaving a comment on. :)

I'm someone who's easily moved, but evoking tears, especially from playing a game, is a rare feat for me. It's like two sides of the same coin.(Heh, get the reference?) Carrot incorporated both sides into their game by giving their characters diverse struggles to overcome. Comparing myself to the characters in the game, I'm considerably very young. Because of this, I don't have much personal experience with some of the struggles the characters have to endure—such as sexual assault, transitioning, and parental abuse. The way Carrot properly portrays these challenges is what I find incredibly inspiring. To watch these characters, of whom I've gotten so fond of, find themselves in devastating situations I could never find myself in is what really leaves me in tears. With this, me and many others can realize how fortunate some of us are and be grateful for what we have. I enjoy the chance to see from a new perspective of what others may have went through that I haven't. Thank you for incorporating this into your game; it means a lot. Great, now I'm sad.😖💔

Now to the other side, what really resonates deep within me. I'd like to think I don't think of myself all that much. Although, that also means that I have to deal with constantly questioning myself, not knowing anything about me. This extends to my sexuality. It feels like it has a mind of its own, changing day to day. One day, I may be in love with everyone I make eye contact with, the next I'm curling up in a ball wondering if I'm actually just some unusual aroace specimen. Perhaps there's an explanation for this, but for now I don't know. Mostly, the questioning affects my regular life. Currently, I have no idea what career path I want to pursue when I'm forced to grow up and make a living. MY PREFERENCE IS CONSTANTLY CHANGING. IT'S SCARY.  First, I think I want to be a doctor, then a lawyer, then a programmer, then an actor, then an entrepreneur, and suddenly, an artist??????? (Sounds silly, I know)😭But when I realize that other people feel this way too, it feels nice that I don't have to be completely alone in this ongoing battle. Heck, seems like enough of an issue that Carrot made a whole game about it! Thank you for creating a game that helped me realize I have a lot more to figure out about myself, yet somehow managed to make me feel less alone in the process.

Well, I've had about enough talking about myself and the game, I want to talk about Carrot! Why? Why not! The effort that Carrot put into this game is so evident, Genzou could see it! (Okay, bad joke, sorry😅) My sibling is a programmer whom I've always looked up to, but my interest in programming is always on-and-off. As well as that, I am currently trying to delve into writing unique stories of my own. The fact that Carrot has checked the writing, programming, and drawing boxes is just SO impressive. The creator is also incredibly sweet, regarding how they treat fans and how much the characters they create mean to them. Additionally, I don't know if anyone else saw this, (probably not because I have a low IQ) but the creators vocabulary is incredibly advanced! There are many words that I was unfamiliar with, as embarrassing as it is to mention.😳I would be envious, or even annoyed, at the creator for this...BUT I JUST CANT BECAUSE THE CREATOR IS TOO NICE AND ADORABLY AWKWARD FOR THEIR OWN GOOD!!!!!!!!

This comment has been a trainwreck of emotions, and I'm honestly super nervous to even post this. But I spent quite a while trying to properly convey my feelings onto this post, so I hope it resonates.😊Your characters currently reside rent free in my head and I'm not complaining--I'm taking good care of them. You can have them back for a day every 5 years. 

Keep doing your thing, Carrot. Me, along with plenty others, will be eagerly awaiting your next project. I can confidently say that the next game you produce will be something truly amazing. 💗
