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A member registered May 05, 2017 · View creator page →

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I love it! It's so simple but so awesome at the same time!

(1 edit)

This game is absolutely wonderful! It was the first game I played on a new computer that iI got recently, and I enjoyed every second of it. It was ectremely tricky in some places, but not too hard to be fun. Great job! I will say that the graphics can be a bit intense for older machines.

This needs to be longer though. It was great!

This is actually really good. I was excpecting something that was just kinda "Why am I playing this," but i got something more like  "Wow, this is actually really touching." The only things i found that could really be improved while keeping this game as it is is adding the players body so you will see legs instead of just a dock, and maybe make it so that you can't turn upsid down by looking up until you are looking backwards upside-down. Thank you for the game! :)

This was a great game, every ending was different, but none were really the end. I like how when you reset, it's not a new game, but a second chance to see what could happen. The characters are all really cute, but Nil always had a slightly ominous face... 

Not really a game. :/ You just walk around find things, place them by a rock and wait (if you have the patience) for a line of test to appear.