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A member registered Jun 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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I still think there could have been a happy ending along the way. Like, actually forming a connection with Vince, and adding the capability of cleaning your room after each day, and stuff like that. Like picking yourself off after the breakup. The more Rody works on himself, the more he can actually connect with Vince, and the better he understands what it is to cook with 'love' and also gets his taste better.  So, at the end of the week, Vince gives him a meal that actually looks like food to him, and eats it, with Rody deciding to continue working with Vince.

Weeks later, Manon goes the restaurant with her parents since they are food critics, and sees Rody doing better for himself. Bowtie actually tied. 

Since her time of death was left ambiguous, in this timeline she very well could have not been killed at all.

The ending doesn't elaborate if Rody is with Vince, nor if Manon wants to rekindle things. It just shows Rody actually having sorted himself out.