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Hapi Camper

A member registered Mar 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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Okay thank you so much! You've done a lot to help everyone!

Well you did a great job with this! honestly it's worth more than what you're selling it for lol but it is always really nice to have it be affordable! I've been working on it with any free time I get and I was wondering, where would I go to change a monsters moves? I wasn't able to find it lol

I just bought this and it is by far the best purchase I've ever made for GMS2! Thank you for all the work you've done and for giving us the ability to buy it! I've been wanting an engine like this for so long but could never find one, but now I'll finally be able to make a great game! lol Thank you!

I left...and then pressed every button but nothing happened. Would like to play it but can't.

Haha this game was fun! Thanks!