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A member registered Aug 03, 2019

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(1 edit)

Great concept, but I feel like it wasn't playtested enough.

When shooting when your character is next to a wall the bullet just dissappears.

Biggest problem probably is that when you pick up a bunch of credits at the same time the sounds stack and it can get extremely loud to the point it hurt my ears a bit.

Bullets need a proper texture and in my opinion should be bigger but slower. Also more impact when shooting/killing enemies would greatly help.

Mainly needs more polish and bugfixing, but could be a great game!

I feel like it would have been really fun had I actually been able to craft a cool weapon, but it just couldn't keep me interested enough to do so, I ended up crafting 20+ items that weren't weapons, and due to that combat quickly became repetitive and kind of boring. Great potential for the future tho!