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A member registered Feb 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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haha, I guess I just liked the idea of being weaker than a bug and having a girl save you.

(1 edit)

The cost of animating is quite high so I would feel unfair asking any single person to pay for it.

I'd like to but I need to find an animator :(

We have actually made a lot of progress! An animator has joined our team so the next update will be quite a bit more interesting.

Oh really? It's made with Unity. Are you able to play other Unity games?

The VR controls dont seem to work right now sorry, in the next version I will fix it.

Ah that might come in handy. I  will add you when I have some time!

Did you want to contact me related to anything in particular?

There is no discord server yet.

Yes, there is no "Coming Soon" text yet