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Handheld Gameplayer

A member registered Jan 04, 2024 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

very nicely done!

absolute banger of a tribute! Very good job!

Very cool vibe!

sweet liberty!

lovely demake :D 

lovely GB version!

the spikes were nasty at times 😅 but overall presentation of the game is pretty cute!

spike + bubble = sad :D 

looking very much forward to :) 

oh man the music is epic!


in France, WASD isn't a thing on their keyboard layout. Since the dev is french, it's ESDF (I assume).

a classic!

very nicely done!


absolutely lovely made!

we use ArkOS for our RGB30, and we put the whole kalikan folder into the cards folder of the pico8 folder and started the menu card from it.

pretty challenging

That was quite nice!

Installed the .exe on desktop mode and added it as non-steam game with latest proton support.

Runs superb!

lovely little game with some good laughs in it!

I'm so bad in these types of games :D
But it's great nonetheless!

Very relaxing game!

Nicely done!

funny quirky game!

well done!

superb game, so much attention to detail and love. Absolutely must play GBA title!

absolutely super brilliant game! 

thanks again, and thank you so much for your support as well <3

very lovely made, as always!

lovey made!

very nice!

lovely game! You can feel the attention to detail. Really nicely done :)

very nice  and polished game! 

thank you so much for your support as well! Keep going making awesome games :) 

was heavily hooked playing this game. Well done!

challenging indded :D


nice runner!

nice Zelda flashback right there! Perfect experience on the PlayDate