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A member registered Jan 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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Im so glad you are enjoying it!!!

I have an update (that is still in the works) that adds things like that but uhhh this year has been rough so editing the update has been hard, hopefully i can get the update out sometime next year though!! I might put up a less neatly organized version of the update as a beta.

(1 edit)

Thank you so much! I have a big update in the works that hopefully will be finished soon!
Its going to add NPCs and Crafting but i don't want to give away to much about the update before its out lol.

I'm so glad you're enjoying the game! I hope your Twixtways ranch game goes well! Be careful of those pesky weather birds lol.

This comment really made my day ^.^

Those are some good questions

Staff are going to come in a later version yes but id say for $25 or $50 depending on how hard you want it to be would be enough for one staff doing one action

as for apiaries you need to collect them in the current version to get the honey.