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Hammer game

A member registered Jun 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your feedback, i know the combat wasn't great, but i had a lot of trouble coding it and i didn't have enough time to fix it, while for the sounds i don't know how to make them just by me. I'm still a beginner, but i'm very happy to see feedback, thank you.

The game is too big, i can't see everything, the sound of the city destroyied is very loud and never stops.

But, the idea is good and the game is fun, if you could fix these two things the game would be very good.

(2 edits)

This game is good designed, levels are good, and even tough graphics aren't very good, you made them look good with the light.

Your art is gorgeous.

I really like these sprites,but can i modify some?

can you make a ninja