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A member registered Apr 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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nice plugin and seems to run better than the other one i was using, however theres an error that occurs at the end of any battle, whether its escaping or winning, and is also present in your demo project, so it is not an incompatibility issue.

i would very much like to use this with the battle lighting but cant because of this error

i have increased game resolution (insane)

(1 edit)

upon entering the 2nd sewer i am unable to move, it seems there might be an Autorun event left running that is stopping input, or the tiles have incorrect collision

pretty nice and simple, fights didnt drag so the balance is fine, i recommend checking the top walls of interiors, since some have no collision and i could walk on the top walls of the inn and the top wall of the hermit shack from above, if you're not sure how to block the player from walking on a wall i think you could have an invisible tile that's set to have collision and place it on the highest map layer on the walls

last question (not a request this time)

How does the automatic tracking do its thing? does it:

- Check requirements at the same rate as like a parallel process (worst for optimization)

- Check requirements every frame/few frames (good)

- Check based on the requirement needed - e.g. if its an item req. will only update the tracking whenever an item is added/removed (best)

added achievements.

(1 edit)

thank you,

also, can there be an option to make secret achievements hide their info too? (Description, Difficulty, Points)

currently it only hides the name

and if it is not plausible to make these global across all saves, can you include a plugin command to hide/show the Toast pop-ups so that I can use Global switches to give all achievements at the start of a new game and not have the pop up appear during so - while keeping the pop-up enabled for the rest of the game?

can this store achievements across saves or only per-save? i'd like to use this but there are achievements that'd realistically require multiple playthroughs to do

May I request the title and description to be compatible with text codes? It'll make the achievements a lot more visually nice, and the only other alternative is CGMZ's achievements plugin which I don't want to use since it doesn't store the achievements globally like this one does

i could offer advice or help if you have questions, i mainly use MZ but i have used MV  for a while so i know quite a bit about how to do stuff in it and its plugins (mostly Yanfly). my discord username is halmska

truly the    game of all time

the world map path leads into those grey mountains but doesnt transition map by walking there...... maybe i missed somethng. ... or mayber.. its for the fabled dlc,.,

i happened to make something similar, but not exactly...........

quick pieces of advice:

- Reduce the frequency of random encounters greatly or use events that move around that you touch to fight instead, its like playing a game with a flashbang going off every 3 seconds after walking in some areas

- During the opening scene with the 2 crowned fellas, the lack of animation and sound made the scene of the woman falling into a rift kinda funny, which im not sure was the intention. Its very hard to make an emotional/dramatic scene, especially in rpg maker, but the most important things that was missing was Audio (sound effect of falling), Visuals (animation of the rift appearing and falling in), and Timing - without these things, it just kinda happens.

- Add autosaving or reminders to save before tough fights, died first time to the mechanical guy in the crystal place and i never saved so had to get to that point again, i was lucky to think to save before the "My Precious" orc, which i did no damage to with anything i had, and escaping was disabled so i either had to wait a few minutes to let it kill me or restart the game

- Minor thing that doesnt matter but something i like seeing: use a different icon set to the default one. this is personal preference but MV's icon set removes identity to the items and equipment i get, i recommend looking at Avy's Icons, which includes upscaled version of the older icon set from VX Ace, still its your choice (

- A lot of new RPG Makers create oversized maps with little content to fill the area, this has some of those, like the crystal place being big and empty while only having a single chest (that i found) in it. I recommend condensing those kinds of maps.

- The Elder guy sure had a lot to say, I had the dev notes enabled so i know of the message saying "the following is very important lore please pay attention", but i dont think that'll convince an average player to read through all that info even if the important text was highlighted. It's very easy to get excited explaining lore and trying to get it all out as soon as possible, but I recommend spreading out the info more, only have the Elder say the basics of whats needed to be said and the rest can be pieced together throughout the game. There's also the challenge of getting players interested enough in the story to be willing to learn more about it themselves, which can be very hard to do.

- I stopped at the guard to the city who had 2000 health and healed and also restored to full once getting low enough, after he healed to full i assumed it was a scripted loss and let him kill me, turns out it wasnt and i didnt feel like doing that again. Enemies healing themselves often feels like its prolonging a fight rather than adding challenge to it, unless by healing it enters a different phase with different abilities. Also, when i began the fight I experimented by not attacking and guarding a few turns just to see if you thought to include an interaction to win by showing the guard we didnt want to fight him, so if it fits it'd be cool to add that kinda interaction, can do it with Troop Events and a switch that turns ON if the guard is below 100% HP etc.

"quick" pieces of advice done, some might even say the "quickest" pieces of advice... 🐈💨

the events for transitioning to the next map here dont work or exist, meaning i am unable to progress past the starting area, and have been unable to find anything else to progress

ive finished chapter 1 through the download, took about an hour, i also completed all the quests including the hidden. found a few bugs, but none that caused freezing like last time.

the characters have a pretty "anime-esque" way of talking, i guess the word "theatric" might be good, im not saying this as a negative its just something to note. (the green haired one kinda looks like Zoro from One Piece)

chest placements were good, i managed to find them all, the lilypad one had a creative sequence to get there and back.

Judging from the history class section you're eager to present your worldbuilding, make sure to take it slow, sprinkle the details to get players interested enough to become invested, a lot of rpg maker games struggle with holding back big walls of text and too much info mentioning random names of random places and random people will dissuade players from becoming invested in what they're reading.

I'm curious how many rpg maker projects you've made before this one, if this is your first successfully published game then its pretty good.

onto the bugs:

- the event that triggers when entering the academy talking about chickens can repeat if stepped into again (before the chickens are all collected)

- the first overworld music that plays is louder in my right ear than left

- walking up and down the top stairs of Catapla Mountains changes the music or replays it if already playing, and the music doesnt return to its original track after playing

- the game cant find the file Close1.ogg in the rat place, i can click retry and continue playing but the error will pop up every few seconds unless i close and reopen the game

found the clown, the EX enemy area with GOD, and the "Narrator" enemy, were they all?

played for about an hour so far, im liking the combat, the timing wheel thing makes it at least more engaging than default rpg maker battles, ive also used an identical Timed Attack Wheel plugin in MV made by SumRndmDde.

a big thing i think to avoid for any future rpg maker projects is very big maps, condense their content down a bit so its less of a walk to get anywhere. The world map didn't seem too bad, but the castle, town, and wilderness trail could've been a bit smaller i feel. I didn't mind the random encounters at first but eventually they became distractions where i need to press Escape every half a minute. this isnt an issue apparent only for this game, many rpgs have these issues with too frequent random encounters, and my advice would be to avoid the inclusion of random encounters in general - instead have enemies be events that the player touches to trigger a fight, the events could chase the player or respawn or have random spawns etc, point is that it makes each encounter more personal and gives players more agency. It might not be the kind of game where this works, so i think if random encounters are your preferred way, you could make them happen in specific regions like tall grass, like in pokemon maybe, just so they aren't unavoidable.

big maps and random encounters are my only issues right now, the rest is good, i like the inclusion of a bestiary, and the world does feel big, you just gotta make sure to not stretch it out too thin, it might just be a personal thing where i prefer more compactness 🐈

this truly is a game of all time 🐈

nice parallax mapping. games that account for choices can be very challenging to make and keep track of, I'd know from my own experience trying to make a similar game and never finishing it, so good luck with the rest of the chapters.

main point of feedback i'd give is a few inconsistencies with some character dialogue being in "" quotation marks and others aren't, and a few spelling and grammar mistakes. (Sometimes not capitalizing first letter of a new sentence (i'm doing that right now but thats just how i type messages 🐈))

I do like the use of text codes for changing text size and colours, makes dialogue more interesting to look at, and having pauses after full stops and commas make it flow better.

a few sound effects, like the chicken bwark, mute the music while being played, are you using ME sounds for them instead of SE?

unfortunately the game froze upon damaging the battler during the first combat encounter, it might be an issue solely with the browser version, so if you'd like further feedback i'll try downloading instead. 🐈

super quick prototype, theres a Yanfly plugin that lets events have a "line-of-sight" i think would work well here: (

the enemies were very easy to avoid, so giving them a line of sight and maybe making them chase you faster after spotting you will add more strategy if you were to expand on this prototype. 🐈

i beat the captain before he had a chance to attack more than twice with that skill that hits 4 random targets, which'd be 4 hits straight to the captain + 2 of them were crits so i just got lucky

played through up to defeating the tower dragon and getting the golden flame books, i assume thats where current progress ends since i didnt know what else to do afterwards.

my advice is to condense the size of the maps down a lot, so theres less empty space, since players wouldnt wanna play a game where they just run around for most of it. If you want players to explore areas i'd add more interactables like chest loot or secrets hidden in places, like something behind a tree for example. The large maps also made it hard to navigate the town and find where everything was easily.

for combat, if you have the right character sprites i think you should have the enemies be events that move around on the map you fight by touching, instead of random encounters.

I found 2 bugs btw, you know the 2 neighboring houses below the player's house? i enter the left house and go upstairs, and i go back downstairs and im now in the right house. The second bug was the event that displays "Welcome to my Game," text at the entrance of the witch's house can repeat, i assume you forgot to do Self Switch stuff with it.

this looks to be your 2nd game you've released? it aint too bad, and i know its very WIP, keep on improving and dont let my critique get you down, theres a few youtube videos on making rpg maker games you could watch to help too 🐈

mmm slop yumyum....

surprisingly pretty balanced i think, if not on the hard side, but healing items and rests make up for the high damage. i got very lucky with the captain fight with 2 crits and him missing his attacks, the knife guys that could triple attack were more spooky than him.

funny thing, i accidentally found the "SKIP!" event on the first map immediately because i be snooping around; i exited and restarted though cos i knew that aint intended.

the twist at the end i saw coming, just cos the whole flashbacks and dialogue was suggesting something sad was gonna happen.

decent experiment, i dont usually like enemy rush/grindy combat type of games but i managed to finish this 🐈

felt like looking through rpg maker games and this is the first one I've played so far, theres a certain charm I find with these games that use the default assets, maybe because it reminds me of my old silly games I made when i was 11 using VX Ace.

I dont have much to say, as im not sure how much critique you'd like or feel is necessary, but its a decent 2nd try 🐈