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HalfBolt Games

A member registered Nov 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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Sound Effects would be great! I sadly ran out of time and couldn't find any good one's :(

Perhaps in the next update? :)

Thanks Maya! Ohh I see what you mean, just tried it out - hmm, thanks for the heads up! Will fix in next version.

Hey Roy, I really appreciate that! :) It did take quite some time to make.

Heck yeah, that's amazing :) Let me know when you release any updates! Do you plan to port to mobile as well?

Great suggestions, thank you Finn! I'll definitely consider those in the next update :)

Yeah, it only seems to work sometimes, and shooting the skeleton slows him down allowing you to escape quicker. In the future I'm considering making a refined release for mobile ;) Darn bugs... 

Aww thanks dj! And no problem, it was a pleasure ! :)

You should totally turn it into a full-game and release on Steam!!

Absolutely terrifying, the suspense of going LEFT! xD

I'm planning to refine -  I appreciate the feedback, definitely need the ability of the player gaining momentum in some way ;)

Thanks! :) Yeaah.. Sadly a few bugs (time constraints of the Jam + Experimentation xD)

I really enjoyed playing your game on stream  :) Awesome graphics and audio! You guys should release it for mobile - I'd totally download it.

Loved the slam attack! Had so much fun with it :)

You should make a secret mini-game where you smash ghosts and try to beat your highscore!

Thanks a bunch! I love that you made a video. :)