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Haley Price

A member registered Nov 26, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for reaching out, Nicholas! I've emailed you regarding this issue.

Thanks so much Clinton!! Here is my email:

I know, I can't believe this was so long ago! I had so much fun on your team!!

Man what a fun first jam for us! Would you mind making me an admin to this game so it can show up on my profile as well? :) 

P.S. Your games have come such a long way and look incredible!! 

This game is so cute! I'm impressed with how many assets your team was able to make and how many mechanics you were able to implement in only one semester. It is very obvious how much heart went into it! It feels like games I loved growing up like Hey You Pikachu and Nintendogs, so I feel like you're hitting some of the best elements of the genre. I think the combination of the SFX with the visual cuteness of the mushroom does a lot to get you to care about him immediately.