What are the statues?
I always fail at the mansion
how to play this game bruh
it closed
how to reset the setting?
I'm changing the screen resolution to 1024x768 and it's too big I can't press apply changes
ok thank
bang kok pas mau ekstrak winrar nya bilang acces denied
jadi cuman filenya datanya doang yg ada aplikasinya gk ada
saran bang adain tombol exit kalo di laptop/pc jadi susah keluarnya
gmn caranya?
diemin aja ke warnet biasanya bayarnya mahal
pencet indigo di pc trs pilih slow fast atau instan nanti ada yg benerin
itu pilih orangnya kalo slow ya lambat datengnya kayak gitu
bang kok gw gk fullscreen ya bang
what`s is the system requirements
what`s the system requirement?
it is 64 bit or 32 bit