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A member registered Feb 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I have some bug reports, don't really know where to put it, so I'll just go with here.

Playing Julian's show assistant dream keeps the font changed forever instead of going back to normal after it ends.

The house on the dream scene still has the door that was removed in 1.8 (Probably wont matter when you decide what to add there)

Thanks for confessing you broke the tos.

Great idea ngl. Maybe just make it that they forgot the waiver and you're legally not allowed to play.

It's a demo, obviously it's gonna be free. Still doesn't answer my question.

How do you expect someone to make a demo of a 20 minute long game?

I am so ready to use this. I've been waiting for so long (Rhythm Doctor refference)

By your username and your pfp I already know you're not old enough to make an itch acc.

(1 edit)

Still cannot believe a free porn game is this polished and well made. I loved every single character.

0/10 computer did not explode after arrow + balloon. Pls fix.

Why are you just saying out loud that you pirated a game?

If you still want to play this game, download the offline version. It still works!