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A member registered Aug 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you! We love a good mowed game!

Thank you! I had a lot more upgrades planned but ran out of time, you know how it goes.

Yeahhh I accidentally left in a testing thing for the upgrades, kinda breaks the game unfortunately, woops!

You’re right, I think I made the big enemy too fast, and the level design doesn’t help because you can get cornered easily. 

Thanks for the feedback and checking out my game!

Thank you for the encouraging comments!

I agree the controls are wonky, but I know what to fix in the future. I had a lot of ideas for the gun mechanics, like physically shooting the player and launching you instead of just changing the sprite of the projectile, and maybe locked doors you had to shoot an unreachable a key into, etc, but I ran out of time since I was working alone and I couldn’t get the full week off of work :/. Next year I’ll be completely clearing my schedule haha.

Thanks again for the rating and checking the game out!

Really like the art style of this game! Atmosphere is fantastic (except for the coin sound but it's ok). I had trouble with the mouse sensitivity though, I could barely look around :(

Overall, some minor changes might be needed, but great work here, be proud!

Hey thanks for checking it out!

I totally get what you mean and agree about the jumping and character controller,  I think it has to do with my characters physics collider and where the “feet” are. Lesson learned for next time!