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A member registered Nov 11, 2018 · View creator page →

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What a masterpiece! I had a good laugh thanks guys ^~^

113 seconds >:3 the game's pure quality man! the physics are just how I like them, good enough to feel familiar but janky enough to allow for creativity, I won't stop until I'm #1! where can we check the highscores?

All levels are complete the winner is you! I'm impressed at how smooth the gameplay is, nicely implemented kenney assets, the music sets the perfect mood, the level design is delicious amazing game I loved it <3 I found your secret passage in certain level hehehehe

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I am so sorry :C the game needs clearer instructions, I promess to fix that in my next game jam entry!

Thank you 64KB :3 sorry I made it too hard I always struggle with balance >_<

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Thank you! I'll do my best to improve intuitiveness for my next entry :3


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Oh wow! Musical Cuboid has a gameplay video! I'm so honored thank you very much ^^ sorry about the size of the window of the game I need to learn how to fix that, thanks for enjoying my game :3 You are the winner in my heart <3

I should of added a reset rotation key! hahaha congrats on completing the game :3

Thank you! also congrats on winning!

I WON! I lost a few people but I won! the art was fire the atmosphere was exquisite! lovely game :3

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Oh wow I really loved the gameplay consisting of a screen with the triangle player inside, felt very nice!! the VFX were really crazy great job!!

Hooray! I completed it! I enjoyed the time traveling very cool game ^^

WOW what a cool concept! I think I got far, but certainly not to the end I need more skill! I enjoyed it Ret-Mode :3

I'm once again asking for your financial support... earstagoadfn errr I was having a nightmare! OH look! seems like I have the highscore! great game reminded me of my childhood with flash games (specially that penguin one)! :3

and so I did ^~^

I WILL DEFEAT YOU FOR I AM GROXAR THE GRAVEYARD SHIFT GAMER, you took the most out of the art and the feeling is awesome, the double jump secret technique is necessary to defeat the high score ahahha great entry

So we were gonna be able to fight with our strategies online I imagine, but fuck that! your pivot was so cool! you delivered the highest quality and tons of fun again, what an impressive record! the fucking cat got me when I was try harding xD

YOOOOOOOO a 3D game! and it's so fun! great work! the music is rad!

Pretty cool game :3 I like the atmosphere and the pixel art effects are pretty ^^

Full Screen support is great, why did you need my microphone? D: hahaha. I found the character charming, the hair animation was cool :3 great game!

Hi hirshi001! I optimized the game 1000%+! it should be a lot more playable now ^~^

Thank you very much hahaha "blushes a lot" >w<

My games tend to run well and with high FPS, this one in particular though, I'm aware has performance issues, even on my computer I had some low FPS, I'm working on low hanging fruit optimizations for this and my future games :)

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Nooooooo :c not even the splash? I can see the game normally on chrome, what browser did you use?

Yoooooooo this is so cool! love the birb btw haha

Thanks for playing! :D the tracks are from enjoy :D

Nice score! thanks for playing :3

you showed the god who's boss!

Despite my terrible bug? osom! thanks for playing :)

Thanks for playing :3 sorry for the bugginess

I fixed it and added a new sound :3 thanks for your help

OH NO THANK YOU, you made me notice there was a big bug :_c I'm fixing it right now

I rekt my enemies with dual clubs in the back with lowest spd and jump, and with a trusty defending front tower >:D

I was so curious while watching videos about the gameplay, this is a masterpiece which I hope many will enjoy, there's a learning curve but nothing like dominating your opponent when you've mastered the art of launching the ball violently :3

It happened to me just past week! we must stop this reckless family stealing before it becomes part of the culture!

I leveled up patience early on in life :u

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HOWWWWWWWWWW OMG THIS IS SO COOOOOL, amazing job congratz and thank you very much I enjoyed it a lot <3

Hooraaaay! I won! very cool and entertaining, I liked the color palette :)

I beat your game! :D it was a relaxing experience, cool game :3