It took me a while to check it out, but I enjoyed the story
Wonderful atmosphere!
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Hello, I'm Onion current lead programmer of the game.
Since I'm also one of the main writers, as our lead said we could use some help
We need help with game mechanics polishment and basic stuff, like putting text and sprites into the game, checking that labels will be in the right place, etc.
Also, we will work a lot with transitions, screens, imagemaps, and image buttons.
And finally, some non-program but tech stuff like PNGs to WEBPs convert.
Can I use some code parts from my other game project? I already have some mechanics that also want to use in jam bounds.
And there is no practical sense to recode them from zero, but I don't want to cheat, so ask.
It's simple mechanics like a time system or transitions for choices.
If it's not allowed, what should I do?
It actually wasn't that bad.
Usually, I don't play any games that contain AI images.
Still, as a beginner developer, I am looking for different kinds of games in the furry novell segment to analyze them.
This one caught my attention cause of probably one of the lowest-rating and the specific narrative way.
So I have decided to give it a shot!
I'm gonna separate my review into several segments, so here we go!
Plot and dialogues: (Spoilers alert)
The overall conception of traveling between worlds with elements of something like backdoors is kinda interesting, but idea execution could use some work.
The main problem is character interaction, sometimes it's very unnatural, especially at the start of the game.
For sample:
We met Sam for the first time on the bus station and had with him about 3 or 4 four sentences from each side.
And then we decided to go on a walk with the strange mysterious fox for 3-4 hours.
We haven't even learned his name to this moment.
Let me be brief about what's going on next:
Okay so after several hours we arrived at a path, and Sam told us that we shouldn't go with him.
That it's dangerous and we probably will not be able to come back!
But we with no reason unlike magic affection to him still have decided to go.
I would let it go, but after several hours Chris is crying about this despite the fact he has been already aware of it.
The good part of the game, the interaction between characters becomes a bit more natural from the scene in the house since Sam reveals to us some of what's going on.
They talk a lot more, but the fox's mysterious character and his tendency to say sorry for everything are a bit annoying.
Also, there is much of Chris's thoughts, and they have a bit too much of complex words and structure, which is not how regular people speak in their head (By the way I'm not a native speaker, so can't judge for sure)
I can say that the story is boring at the start but becomes more interesting with time.
But as the start is the most important part of any story I would suggest to rewrite it to some extent.
Still a good idea and some moments!
It's good!
Especially the last track, cause it plays in the right mood and time.
The only thing I would advise is to choose tracks more accurate for moments.
Music in the house got me overwhelmed with all this noise in several minutes...
Sorry, but it's just bad.
It's almost base GUI but with ultra-small fonts and strange scale.
I'll be short and clear.
I do not appreciate this kind of stuff in any games.
It looks creepy and glitchy and has an uncanny valley effect so I dislike it, this surely will not work out for mass audience.
The only moment that I enjoyed of it's the transition of the house from autumn to winter, it was kinda cool!
That's the most of that I wanted to tell, English isn't my native so sorry for any possible misunderstood.
Wish you luck with the project!