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A member registered Sep 05, 2020

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Thank you for the response, that makes a lot of sense!

I found this game quite enjoyable, but there is one thing I'm confused about. The itch page says that there are 6 endings, but I got #1-#5 in my first run, and 2 unnumbered endings. Is there something that I'm missing? not only are there more than 6 endings, but ending #6 is nowhere to be found. Otherwise great game, but I just need some clarification. :)

This has probably been said enough times already, but I really love how you make your plot twists and your endings. My friend and I played through Sweetest Valentine on a Discord call, and after getting a notification we shortly played For Amerta. Both of us love your games, syllphana, and we hope you continue to make more! Your story telling and art style and truly unique and worth acknowledgement from anyone who plays your games.