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A member registered 18 days ago

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(1 edit)

honestly, takes balls to give an announcement like this, also not like a lot of devs who just be like "i want to do a big thing, indefinite hiatus" you gave us a timeline so double respect. you have more then enough history to make people not upset at a hiatus, at least I think so.

on the other side kana has been living rent free in my brain for a while now, i deman the chance to protec

thank you for this game, i know its an H game but the characters genuinely made me feel things (not those things pervs) and the game made me happy, hopefully I can get myself in a position where i can donate to you on substar or donate here soon, keep it up.

got to say in the big act two climax, I thought "let them hold them off" was going to be a "let them hold them off, i gotta punch a dryad in the tits" rather then "let them hold them off while i go be a wuss" should have known better, but I wanted more scenes of her getting beat down after all she did.

I want to play this game in full, but cannot engage with patreon, so yea, just another plea to put it on steam or sell the full thing on itch, i would pay quite a bit for it seeing as how great it is, even if i knew I was paying much more then the $3 for your patreon.