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A member registered Aug 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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The turtle ate all my monsters! I couldn't figure out how to shoot it, :-).

Relaxing game except for the music and the turtle.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the play through! I enjoyed your commentary as well.
Due to a lack of drawers in the level, the pig's tail was the most sensible place to put the key.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm sorry they ordered so many grub ones (Moldy Mojito?). I think that's our most complicated drink. I usually get The Trunkard.

We're working on polishing it up for a post-jam update. So, hope you come back and see what it's like then, :).

Thank you again for playing it!

Thank you so much for playing it! We're working on giving it a post jam update. So, we'll see what we can do about the player's height and lighting.

Bubba will appreciate that! Thank you for playing!

Thank you for playing!

Thank you!

There's not a lot to work with in the free packs. So, I'd probably like to use Mixamo or create my own, if possible.

Thanks for checking out the game! The artists did a great job. We still need to work on the mechanics, but really glad on how much we got done.

Hope we get to do something together next time!

(2 edits)

Hi again! Still in the market for the following:

3D Modeling Generalist. Someone to focus on game-unique items/props for the environment and characters in a semi-stylized manner. Plus points if you use Blender.

If this is you, please reach out to me on Discord: hulkmeistercoder#0598

The team is comprised of:
1 Game Dev
1 Level Designer/Modeler
1 Character Modeler
1 SFX Team (3 people working as a unit)
1 Composer

Here was the entry for the last jam I did:

Good luck on the jam!

(13 edits)

UPDATE 2: We found everyone! Thanks for the interest!

Re-opening this post. The last team I joined exceeded the 5-person limit.

Hi all,

I'm an experienced Software Engineer by trade with a couple years invested in UE.

What I can offer is programming, mechanic design, and project management. So far, I have one 3D artist on board. You can see his portfolio here:

I'm looking for these other roles:
* Another 3D Modeler/Art Director
* Sound Designer
* Level Designer

You can DM me on Discord @ hulkmeistercoder#0598

Good luck on the jam!

Hi all,

I'm an UE developer comfortable in both BP and C++, if needed. I am proficient in:
* BTs/AI

Please reach out to me on Discord, if you're interested in teaming up, at: hulkmeistercoder#0598

Good luck!