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Greg the egg

A member registered Feb 04, 2023

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Runey, we will wait.  You take care of you, you worked your ass off for us...we can tell.  Your writing, your storytelling, is the best.  Don't let the time table set by "the world" ruin who you are.  Goodness takes time.  I repeat... Goodness takes time.  Don't rush anything.  Make it to your standards, we'll adjust.  Waiting is easier than disappointment.  For everyone, us, you, don't let "expectations" from the so called real world get in your head.  That's bullshit, and you are better than that my dude.

MC must meet in the garden in the evening to learn how to control etherium, then go to the forest and collect it, install it in the basement thingy, then the girls will appear in the handling room.  It just takes a while to get there my man