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A member registered Mar 21, 2023

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(2 edits)

Overall i really like the concept of this game the music is great and the graphics very nice the combat system is interesting and with more time and more combos it could evolve to some really nice strategy experience.

here are some bugs i found:
- sometimes after defeat there is a horrible sound that ends only after you click restart
- on the final fight i made a setup it worked but before the end of the fight it told me it didn't work but after the fight ended that it told me that it did work.
- the interaction hint looks more like a C than an E so at first i had problems interacting with the npc's mayby that's a scaling issue idk.

- at the ending dialogue some of the profile icons were small

- when you add like an extra to the bottle (to the right of it) and then remove the parent bottle than the child bottle would stay, that leads to some sus behaviour.

lastly i found it annoying that after defeat the positioning of the bottles didn't save and when you wanted to make a small change you had to build up the sequence all over again.

It should be noted that I am playing through the website because it didn't have a download link for linux.