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A member registered Jul 05, 2023

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I think it's more likely he's referring to mr Noto, who is indeed a boner killer.

“her”? Hoo boy do I have some news for you buddy

i love the new art tbh i kinda thought the old art wasnt that great

one more thing: this game is amazing. and that pun in the title is just incredible.

Small note for the new version, when you are asked to enter the code into the bathroom door, you have to actually type it with your irl keyboard instead of clicking on the buttons in-game. I spent like 5 minutes trying to click anywhere on the screen so just letting you all know to save some hassle.

Near the start of the game, the MC says something about the bot having different breasts sizes. Is there any type of module or setting or something that changes her breast size in the game?

in the desert area you can just keep clicking "explore unknown desert" over and over and you'll find 8 gold like 50% of the time. When you find an enemy just run away.