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A member registered Oct 16, 2023

Recent community posts

banger soundtrack wow. very good game I approve

jokes aside, really cool game and I would love to see more

what demon compelled you to add primal aspids??? WHY

people are whining over the first boss, I beat it in like 3 tries, sound like a SKILL ISSUE to me

on the surface, the game looks poorly made, but then you get upgrades, they work amazingly, and you can do some cool tech. the sounds are also amazing. good job! :)

i got sub thirty minutes by two seconds!  

here are my notes so far, just curious if im even close

x  = a, fish = h, cactus = n, r with dot = k  hoot?

my brain is going into overdrive, please spare me the difficulty and just give me the order of the blocks :(

the blobs kind of look life LTTM and five pebbles

the soundtrack is SOOOO good omg, please make it where you can set the music no matter where you are, that would be amazing!

my brain hurts help

oh alr, thanks, this  game probably has potential, just add a handicap to the player, enemies that be killed, along with weapons, and maybe even rogue-like or metroidvania elements and this game would be awesome. but i´m probably thinking too far ahead lol :)

is there a win condition?

please tell me this will be updated, if it will, and still be available on web, this would get me through school, I NEED more of this. also cool lore :)

very cool game, not too difficult but nice, and I can especially see the inspiration from celeste

frog :)

if your talking about feeding them, ive done that, did they eat the sand or the worms?

what does bag of sand do? im very far into the game having all natural trees so i'm not worried about spoilers

¨Minmalistic¨ yeah right

just got the tri-force, this game is awesome

I LOVE that bottle reference, awesome game

i would love to see more of this, this was very fun

it would be nice if there was a way to sort by type and not alphabeticly

2:30 best time :) look forward to your next CC game!

ok, just asking, but cool game!

was this inspired by vsauce?

the dude reminds me of pikuniku

you kidding me? the comments here sound like they went through hell and back, that was so easy and kinda short

the main guy look like the knight from hollow knight, did you get inspiration from them?

Please make more games like this, this was very fun

i have all the hats now, if there are other secrets i would like a hint in the right direction

the bunny hat eludes me. i cant figure out how to get a snowball there

I just got an ice cube the the spot with the daimond, but i couldent do it so i gave up and am now trying to get the bunny hat again

i could figure out that much, what im atempting is to use the momentum on the snowball to hit the one breakable rock in the corner and get the snowball to land on the platform

I KNEW IT!  I knew it had something to do with that, I thought that the beginning of that room was weird

 ive gotten the beetle thing in the slot, what now?

how do you get the bunny hat