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A member registered Apr 23, 2020

Recent community posts

When will the vn get an update? I don't wanna sound desperate but I've been craving for more for... months (´-﹏-`;)

is this vn still alive or...

Omg i absolutely love it! Such a cute story and the characters are super cute and lovely! I reeeally need more hehe

Oh man i love Brymror sooooooooo much, i need more of him so bad >∆<

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Huh? What are you talking about? I was talking about a vn in which I set my character as male and give him my name but turns out to be a lady, if i play tomb raider I'm obviously expecting to play as Lara and not as me lol

oh.... I can't get very immersed like that ^^"

why is that even if I pick I'm a dude the mc is still the same lady? Is that a glitch or something?

YAAAAY!!! Android build! Thank you!!!!! I'm gonna download it and play it right now :3

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It seems like I can't access the game, when I unzip it it shows three different archives of .apk but I can't really do anything with those (could be my device's problem too)

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Android version! Thank you! I love you!!!

awesome visual novel, I've enjoyed it a lot! I love Silas so much! The art style omg I absolutely love it, the music is amazing and the story is super duper interesting. I can't wait for more!

Awesome job, keep it up!

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really interesting story, and I love the characters species, very original! Five deserved stars :3

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Yay! Oh I love this visual novel a lot! I hope the guy from the reception desk will be dateable, he is super cute. And I hope the doctor will be dateable too

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Can I be a male character and only romance other male characters? :3

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Does this game has images, CG or something? or it's literally just text?

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So I was playing Limits and at the end I saw this thing from you saying you wanna hire someone to colour some stuff. If it's because you don't have enough time to color it then go ahead and hire someone, but if it's because you think it will look better then let me suggest you to keep coloring everything yourself because I think the way you color everything makes the visual novel feel more unique and have its own essence and I absolutely love that!

I love this build a lot by the way, I love the wolf and I'm super happy to see Gran again :) great job keep it up!

Yay! Oh I have the feeling I know who the 5th candidate is going to be~

If he is who I think he is then I can't wait to meet him hahaha

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Oh I see, thanks for telling me!

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I see a lot of people asking the creator if he is ok, what is going on?

Edit: oh Grim has disappeared? Still no news from him?

I did! but I'm considering not to play it. A friend told me that this game only has bad endings and to be honest I don't feel like playing it, getting to know the kitties, love them and then get bad endings no matter what... nope... nope nope nope... I'm too sensitive for that

aaww well thank you anyway^^

no, I'm on a tablet but I have this app that makes pc visual novels to work on android

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Hey Drakes, I'm gonna tell you something that just happened to me, it's kinda silly but I liked it so I wanna tell you anyway.

I was watching a video on youtube when suddenly a song from your VN started playing on it. I automatically thought of Gran and I swear it felt like Gran trying to get my attention lol

Man I absolutely miss Gran

Where can I get the NSFW version please

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This message is going to sound pathetic as fuck but I don't care. I was playing Tylos' story and I really liked it... but what happens two days later? man... that's so heartbreaking...

That's uhh... Kinda harsh man

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Yeah that's why I asked.. Oh well... It's sad how nice visual novels just die and they are abandoned like that

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Es que Kyle ha dejado el nivel bastante alto... su Tiger era muy guapo y atractivo... y esa mirada enfadada pero muy sexy ❤️

El nuevo Sprite de Tiger... la diferencia de habilidad es bastante grande... y creo que una de las cosas que nos ha chocado a todos es ver primero el Tiger de Kyle en tu twitter y de repente.... el de el artista nuevo... Espero de verdad no estar ofendiendote. Esta crítica te la estoy diciendo más en plan amigo (aunque no nos conozcamos de nada) para ver si sirve de algo para que puedas corregirlo lo mejor posible. Aunque no es asunto mío quiero y deseo lo mejor para esta novela visual

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Quizá esta actualización haya sido un poquito corta, pero la he disfrutado muchísimo, me encanta Darius y me muero de ganas de saber mas de el :) (y de ponerle cara también)

At first I also thought Ritch might get angry for the hug but then I thought "Nah, he seems to be a very sweet guy, I bet he will enjoy the hug" and I love giving hugs so yeah I went directly for the hug hahaha

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Really? As soon as I saw Gogo when I followed Ritch the first thing I thought was "ok this dog is super cute, people are gonna love him" hahaha. Ritch is still my favorite though. That part in which you have to pick between hug him, pet him or do nothing? I immediately picked the hug and I absolutely adore the outcome ❤️

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yeah! I tried all the routes and I also tried most option and ended up finding Gogo's route :3 he is super cute ^^

Is this VN dead?

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Seriously how do I make any progress in this game? I keep walking around and talking to everyone to no avail

Also when an NPC has to say my name, instead they say $name

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I'm absolutely in love with this visual novel! The story is really fun and interesting and I love the characters a lot! Ritch is my absolute favorite hehe he is so nice and cute and caring ❤️ I enjoyed every second I spent playing it! amazing job!

Will you add color to the sprites?

And will Gogo be dateable too?

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oh dreams! Alright alright hahaha, I told you just in case it was some script for testing the pick you specie thing that you forgot to delete or something

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Blank state? I'm pretty sure that someone referred to my character as a fox... I don't remember if it was an NPC, the narrator or my own character but I'm sure I've seen that