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Great Lakes

A member registered Feb 02, 2022

Recent community posts

Anyone have a 100% save, I deleted the game and now my save is gone

When I tried to boot up the game Windows didn't open it due to a virus being found.

I was doing a custom night with only Chica And foxy active, and although I was only operating doors. I still ran out of power way to quickly. It would be a nightmare to add the puppet to that mix also. So nerf the power consumption

Can you add deleting saves? I have alot of unnessary saves

Unfortunatly I can't as I dont have an android phone

and I cant progress after that

When the girl falls on the ground  the game gives an error saying that it failed to load a character img 

Failed to load: img/characters/cat%20d%C3%BC%C5%9F%C3%BC%C5%9F.png

I meant repeatable scenes, and I'm try to find scenes since I have never lost it in game

Are there any scenes where you can loss your cunt virginity? Reapeatable

Hello my save is stuck on the chris heist quest, even when I save after, it sends me back to the begining of the fight

Can you put the new versions on steam?

I myself would like a non mega download as the itch  app cannot download something from a third party website

How to transfer saves? My saves all disappeared in the new update.

Everytime I try to play the game through the itch app, all I get is a windows icon updater 

Even in the 35.1 version I still get a black screen 

When I downloaded the mod, the files were not downloaded as folders?

Can you add a Rimuru to the slime section?

can you get rid of the mega links and use the normal itch system?

It said that Julia would put a show in the mourning, but nothing happened?

My 0.11.2 savefile is not transfering to this update?

Will you make it compatiable with the Itch app?


Can you make it compatible with the itch app?

(1 edit)

I cant get pass the start without it having a full traceback, the english translation seems to be breaking the game since nothing happens when I play in spanish