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A member registered Jul 03, 2017 · View creator page →

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please explain why?

first, have someone host the game. the host absolutely must wait for the other players to join before starting. also, before creating the server, the host has to enter a port (mine is 7777 idek what a port is tho). those who want to join must enter the SAME PORT as the host (4 numbers), then type in the ip adress. here it's where it gets a little tricky. the host opens up the command prompt on the computer (press win+R, then type "cmd" in the searchbar and press enter) (if you did not know, to change from the game screen to the desktop just press alt+tab). once you open the command prompt, type in "ipconfig".  you will then see four lines of ip(?)look at the second line ( the one called "IPv4 Address") you will see something like "IPv4 Address . . . . . . . . . . .:###.###.#.###" the person who wants to join will have to enter the ip adress (the one that will say something like "" <not those exact numbers) in the first bar, enter the port in the second bar, and the password (if any) in the third bar. keep in mind that this is not in the command prompt anymore, but rather the game itself, in case i was unclear. then you are ready to go. the explanation might be long, but once you know how to do it it is pretty simple. if you are still unclear, contact the creator, AwesomeX. i hope i could help you! :-)

yours sincerely,


great game! hope more updates come to improve the game! add more weapons, and please nerf the jumping giant guy because hes totes op and he kills you easily as the first few rounds are easy then suddenly you have this powerful guy that reks you. hopefull there will be more weapons, weak or strong, and more enemies as well. great game and keep up the good work! :-)

(2 edits)

jump and jet at the same time (thank me l8tr)