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Volcanic Giraffe

A member registered Jan 20, 2016 · View creator page →

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Unfortunately, no. It is developed for web only, on web-based engine.

Cool game!

Don't you have a source code somewhere? I'd like to re-map gamepad controls a bit :)

Wow. That worked, thank you!

As a developer I'm interesting - what was the reason?

Cannot start on mac. It shows error dialog with message "Unable to find game!!:" and "OK" button. Could you please help?

Thank you!

BTW, we've released the full version of this game (with much better graphics :)), you may find it in steam

So it is released! You may find it here

Yep, we are. Here is steam link with announcement: Protolife on steam Thanks :)


Actually we are working on finishing the game, here is a example of new look. You may notice some new buildings to create, and there will be more of them.

Stay tuned!