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Gordinho roludo gostoso

A member registered Oct 07, 2023

Recent community posts

Why is it taking you so long to release chapter 14, even though it is already ready?

Is there any release date for chapter 14?

How do you get the new Sisyphelly scene?

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Which scene are you talking about, the scene that takes place in your room or on the beach?

Go to Jusei and talk to the miltaur

Does anyone know how to download an old version?

I wanted to download version 14, but I don't know how to download an old version

I also want to know, every day I come here just to see if a new chapter has arrived 😁

I've spoken to everyone and they say the same thing (I have nothing to talk about) 😥

He keeps saying the same thing as before, did I make a wrong choice before?

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But are you talking about the scene with the  Buckhus, ou está falando da cena com o pai do personagem?

Even so, he only talks (humm, l don't have anything to talk to them abount)

Does anyone know how to unlock the scene between the father and the character? I did and remade the entire game, but I couldn't get the scene 😥

A versão 17 está apenas no Patreon ?

Could anyone help me, I really want the scene with the character's father, could anyone guide me?

Tem como ter relação sexual com algum personagem, e se tiver me fala como conseguir essa relação

Eu sei que dá trabalho fazer jogos ou capítulos, mas por favor, trás mais um capítulo.( De preferência um que  conseguimos transar com Adam ou james )

Como que sai do capitulo 2?

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Por favor, coloca uma dublagem em português brasileiro. Porque esse jogo é maravilhoso e eu não sei ler em inglês😢