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A member registered Feb 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing and for the constructive feedback! I will definitely keep your recommendations in mind for my future projects
PS: the outline looking as it does in the pictures was definitely unintentional at first, but I felt it was chuckleworthy so I left it in

Thank you for your comment! I agree that my art was pretty basic (not to mention the lack of sound and music), but I am glad you enjoyed it nevertheless C:

Thank you for playing, glad you enjoyed the what I was able to make :D

I agree some music/sound would have improved the game substantially, and I definitely want to make sure to work on it on my future projects.
Thank you for posting your highscore, it is great to see people's accomplishments in the things I make and I am glad you had fun :)

Thank you for playing, as well as for giving your feedback! If I decide to expand/remake/etc this I will definitely look into the concept of having different obstacles to complicate and diversify the gameplay loop