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A member registered May 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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No, there is not. That would definitely be a good QoL feature, I'll be sure to keep that in mind should I update this game or make a new one in the future. Thanks.

I'm taking a break from game dev and am currently studying, so this is likely to be the final version of this game. I've noted the bug you've found in case I revisit the game, but you've done more than enough. Thanks again, your words are very encouraging :)

Thanks for your kind words! The issue you described is likely due to either the blue and green milk being hard to visually differentiate, or a bug. As for the jars, there is no way to obtain them other than to wait for the next day.

Thanks for letting me know, I really appreciate the feedback as well :) The inventory system was definitely the trickiest part, and it's still far from perfect. (I made it using scriptable objects in Unity.) If I were to add features or redo it, I'd allow for items to swap slots and drop on the ground.

:) You're welcome

Thanks! Sorry if that part was confusing. First, walk over the seeds to put them in your inventory, and press 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 depending on which slot they're in. If you were to pick the seeds up in your screenshot, they would be placed in the leftmost slot, so you would press 1 and then select a nearby dirt tile to plant it.

Thanks so much! And yes, a shout-out would be greatly appreciated :)

Great stuff as always! I made a game with your assets, check it out if you're interested!