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A member registered Sep 11, 2020

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(3 edits)

Como voc锚 est谩? Sei que j谩 se passaram 7 dias ... 

The answer to all your questions can be answered perfectly with the tutorial present in the ct js documentation, access this link:

Tutorial for platform game

The same tutorial can be accessed from within the engine itself just click on the arrow in the right corner and the suspended documentation will be shown, ct js is  amazing! 馃槃 Good luck!

And really disheartening!
But I can ignore that fact, thank you!

Ah version 1.5 for windows presents problems for me, in some cases when trying to run the program it does not open, it is possible to see its processes in the task manager.
The same happens sometimes when closing the program, keeping its processes open, even consuming up to 1.5gb of ram.
In those cases, there is only one option I find and to finish the processes manually! I would like to report this bug, thanks for reading!

After extracting execute the file "ctjs" by double clicking, for easier sending to your desktop

Sorry, this time I will write in English.

Come on, if the depth of your tube type changes as the game unfolds, use "on step", otherwise, if it has to be defined only once, use "on create". Something I find useful to mention about what I understand from your question is that if the player has depth 6, he will always be on top of the tubes, so changing his depth is useless!

(4 edits)

Ol谩, ele est谩 falando sobre uma ordem de exibi莽茫o, voc锚 pode modific谩-la usando:

Obs: Lembrando que para randomizar o valor usei o catmod chamado ct.random, voc锚 deve abilitalo no Projeto / catmods

// Defina uma ordem para -1
this.depth = -1
// Gerando um n煤mero aleat贸rio para c贸pias de tubo
this.depth = Math.round (ct.random (5)); // Gere um n煤mero de zero a cinco e converta seu resultado em um valor arredondado