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A member registered Aug 08, 2020

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I have been feeding the dragon more than 50 times for two days.  But it does not seem to grow.  It flashed a couple of times but did not grow.  Did I feed it properly?


Thank you for your hints.  I have got the egg hatched and am now feeding the dragon.   :)

How do I make the dragon egg hatch?

The dragon won't eat my food and drink my water.  May be I did not do it the right way.  How should I feed it?

I think I know how to play the game now.  But I don't know how to win the game.  If my opponent keeps blocking my way, it would always end up a draw.  Is that right?

Good game.  It is fun playing it.  I won a couple of times playing Mode 1 but I am too slow for Mode 2.

How do I move the car?  When I pressed the left and right arrows, the car keeps turning but does not move.

I kept bumping into the birds and cacti.  I am not fast enough.

Cool game.  My highest score is 102.

I managed to cross without explosion from the bottom to the ceiling.  But after that the bird got stuck on the ceiling and could not move.