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A member registered Jan 26, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your comment.  The color palet was choosed to blend in , to create an effect of contrast, the night his belly is visible the day his back, same with all the background. Like the sun is the same pic than the moon but it's the background color wich reveal wich one we need to see .

Merci ! il y  en a un si on clique sur ESC pendant le jeu,  on pensait l'implementer comme dans les jeux de combats où les combos sont afficher dans le menu pause. Mais c'est vrai qu'un petit tuto serait une bonne idée

Ha oui j'avais désactivé le gameover pour tester un truc et j'ai oublier de le remettre apparement ><

Merci ! Ouais on  avait penser aindividualiser les combo et à mettre un mode solo aussi aurait été interessant mais on était un peu short, avec plus de temps peut-être ^^

Really good game !

the difficulty curve is really well done (can't do better than 12)

Thanks, glad to hear you liked it !

Yeah the characters are groups of people going through the screen blocking your path , sometimes they appered sometimes not.

 not sure why ...

Thank you ! The long corridor was stolen  inspired by the last scene in the first metal gear X)

Well thank you ! Yeah it could use a little bit more work and new mechanics to slow down the player

It was really fun , and the open interpretation of terminal was genius. It was our first jam and we love it !