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A member registered Aug 29, 2022

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I have some ideas and things that bug me out (I'm sorry if I'm asking for too much I just really think this would boost the experience)

big ideas:

  • if you turn background on and dark mode on it will be night in the clan 
  • different backgrounds so all clans isn't the same
  • a map were you can see the different clans and your territory
  • full moon meetings 
  • a war system were you can attack other clans or other clans can attack you
  • an alliance system so clans won't attack you
  • and hunger your clan can starve if you don't have enough territory
  • what if you mate cats a screen like the one when you start your clan where you can choose kittens

small things:

  • you should be able to kill cat in other ways than just "kill cat" like get an other cat to kill it or give it green chough
  • all screens should have an pixel art background I'm sure you already  working on this
  • when a cat loses its tail you can still see it if you have background one

again sorry if im asking for too much i know how hard it is to code but please just use this like a list for ideas