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Every update I seem to lose all my gallery files. its either replay the game or lose em. Any suggestions?

That being said maybe if there was an implemented feature where it's impossible to get a no-solution grid or if i am "too dumb" a hint feature for the one solution that i may happen to glance over. Id love to play the game to completion. Maybe even making it possible to switch difficulties as I have regret choosing easy mode on a game i wanted to just match colors and shapes together.

I'm sorry but the biggest turn-off from this game to me is the grid. I understand getting items to make it easier but it seems like it's either rng or tons of items to win the grid. Keep in mind I'm playing on the easy difficulty. I honestly can't give the other aspects a review just because of the frustration of getting to 90% admiration just to get a grid with zero matches at the end. The formula being the different symbol/same or different color/same symbol really just gives it another stack of RNG instead of the classic candycrush or huniepop grid. The gameplay isn't bad in fact I like the cooking minigame its challenging and quick-paced but the fact that I get locked behind a grid with no solutions is too irritating to continue. No hate to the game but I like to communicate my difficulties to devs.

decided just to start again from .7 and skip past everything its in color now and checking it out now. Thanks for the help and just subscribed to ur substar!

oh god, thank u! It seems to be black and white and nonselectable although. and it also did wipe my whole gallery after exiting I'm gonna try to mess with my save and fix it. 0.0 thank u for the help!

so for update .8 theres one more scene in the gallery after the lola one. how do i unlock that one?

Breadman is clutch with his earlier notes. All you have to do is let it auto and once ur character moves out of the room go up once. Little tricky but set a save before. Thanks breadman ur the goat!

Whenever I do brandys second quest it tells me to finish class and locks me in the school.