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Goblins Unite

A member registered Apr 04, 2019 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

I never had the baby. Good.

Oh man this was good. I never knew my father, but this game makes me feel like I did know him.

Oh yeah buddy. This ticks all of the boxes. Yes sir.

The hyper pixelated look of this game is amazing. I really enjoyed it.

This game ruined my 20-year marriage. 5 stars.

This demo has a ton of promise. Definitely pulls off a very creepy atmosphere, and the music perfectly fits the game. Definitely looking forward to more.

Very creepy. The game is short but does so much with limited time. Love it.

Very enjoyable version of PT. The simplistic design is almost creepier than the original.

Loved it. Very well made and interesting game.

For a first game this is impressive. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.

This was funny and uncomfortable. Big fan.

Had a blast. I love the PSX style graphics. The tension was spot on. 

The game touched me.

Very enjoyable. Can't wait to see what you do next.

Weird and awesome. The humor was spot on.

Bug Finder community · Created a new topic Loved it.

The game is weird in a good way. Can't wait to play a full release.

Very well done. 

Loved it. Very weird. Very well done.

Duke, You did a good goobler on this one. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

Very good game. The story is creepy,

and the environments feel massive.

Very fun game. I loved the look of it and the sound design was great.

I really liked the game. The pig killer had a very creepy look and feel. The scary atmosphere was spot on.

Very creepy atmosphere. A fun game that is straight and to the point. Can't wait for the full game.

This game was truly enjoyable and so much fun. I'll be on the lookout for what you do next.

I had a blast playing this game. 

Wow. Great game. Love the PSX style graphics. The story is disturbing in a great way.

Such a creepy and vibrant looking game. Great job.

This was a breath of fresh air. I play a ton on indie horror games, and this had tons of style. Cheers.

I thoroughly enjoyed this game. I can't get enough of this SpongeBob themed horror. 

The humor was spot on. Cheers on making a very creepy game. Definitely worth the money.

5 star game, definitely worth the download. I had no idea what I was getting into, but this is the real deal.

Fun short horror experience. Sound design and choices were amazing.

So well done. I loved the first game, and you have definitely improved upon it with 2. 5 stars.

I loved the story, and the creepy atmosphere. Great job.

I had fun with the game. the big guy killed me.