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A member registered May 30, 2022

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This game is just very ok. It’s impressive for a one-man team although it shows a new extent for its creator’s lego obsession. The HUD is serviceable although I didn’t even notice the fact that your current quest is displayed in the top right. Not all the assets used match and they can look very out of place, especially most of the long grass and foliage assets I saw. The dialog text is very small for the text box and hard to read, making it so I got lost multiple times. The gameplay is alright, I didn’t get very far before completely losing interest and not really wanting to play anymore, so it might have gotten better but just clicking around to move and then clicking on your enemy and just watching them fight isn’t my kind of fun. Finally the way the difficulty choices is presented are very confusing, its backwards from how most games have it (Easy, Medium, Hard. This game orders it Hard, Medium, Easy) and on top of this the titles aren’t exactly clear. King to me sounds like it should be easy, as it implies lots of aid and wealth, and peasant sounds like the hardest as it implies less aid and luxuries. 

Also, this game promotes violence against goblins. Not cool.