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Go1d lex

A member registered 26 days ago

Recent community posts

Thanks for the author's reply, I hope you can make more pure lesbian game content in the future, I think I should have passed some complicated procedures and successfully paid 10 dollars, have you received him? Not many, but I hope you can like her, I will always support you and donate in the future, I hope you have a happy day today, thank you again.

Thank you so much for creating such a perfect, infinite possibility game, without a doubt the best role-playing game I've ever played. Abby is lovely, I wish the main character missy would stay with her all the time or even marry her, and please add virgins for Missy so it's fairer to the other good girls hahaha of course this is just advice, everything depends on your great author. Finally, as I am from China, these words are machine translated, and please forgive me for any offense. I hope you can list this game on steam, so that I can easily buy it and spend money to support the author. Otherwise, I may need some time to handle overseas payment to support you. Of course, I will definitely make a payment to this game, because it is so awesome!