This problem can be fixed but when you put this dll file in game directory, it ejects next error -"
There should be 'TobyJamesVsEvil_Data next to the executable"
Please, upload this game fully because there is more folks who are going to try it
Please fix it, link has removed!
You 've missed to put a download link for this game ;)
Thank you guys for hard work.. This game is super cool for me, and I hope other folks will recognize this work ;)
Your link is dead! So you need to upload this game on another file hosting like mediafire, or just directly on this page ;)
I am very impressed with your effort about this game, In short lines, this game has some special soul and I can see you were made this game from love.. Congrats to all DEV team :))
I contacted your DEV team for solving my problem
Have a nice work!
Hii, this game looks very interesting, but i cannot buy it.. So why they consider that my creditcard gotta declined?
It would be nice to maybe let users to try your demo
@Loekni, why did you remove your game 'Christmas Hell' from personal profile?
I want to get this game and put in my collection list, so I hope you will get back this game very soon
Best regards from Croatia ;))