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A member registered Jul 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Sounds lovely!! All good things take time to mold and create, I understand! If it comes from the heart -- hopefully not a disemboweled one, as per the existence of the obsessive characters that are in the game -- then I think the product will turn out well, no matter what happens. I'll be cheering from afar here! Good luck with your fantastic work for the future <3

AND YEEEEESSSS! *returns high five* =D

This game is mega awesome!! I'm glad to be able to support such high-effort content as this careful concoction of sweet love and scary determination mixes in with our lovely, maybe even blood-bonded stalker video game character... that, and I really like yanderes and roleplaying =p

I give congratulations to the team that made this game available, especially the main dev, Marionette. Can't wait to see the next update if it arrives soon! Can't help but love it <3

(1 edit)

I really liked this game! Could use some more polish, especially between the transitions of scenes and songs, but other than that, this is a very fine (and scary) game indeed. I was confused on why the game has its specific subtext, but knowing the context by playing makes me appreciate the deeper lore behind everything. I'll be sure to inspect my window tonight, in case anything is "lurking" there... hopefully not a yandere, or anything.