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A member registered Apr 16, 2022

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I wonder if in some timeline, the enemy captured the Stone King, made him into bricks, and built a cursed Well that gives terrible advice to desperate supplicants. :)

Seriously though, in its compact format, this is much food for thought. I enjoyed experiencing the complicated kinship between two people whose relationship is super asymmetrical by rights, but really they're equally powerless, equally driven by their respective roles. The power of the name stood out to me, a fairytale take on the person/function divide, and the irony in how your truth is only believed once you've been christened Liar- and bring a fake, but tangible token where so far you just had had words. I wonder if there's some general lesson in how you only learn the pertinent truths about your country and its ruler while in prison...

The fatalistic linearity fits the format perfectly. It has exactly the right amount of player choice, the messenger uselessly obsessing over ways to phrase things, and then in the end it's just: "If that's what you want, so be it." Also, I liked how the digging minigame got harder after a certain story event. Good job on the animations as well!

This touched me. The seal's chipper nihilism and paternalising praise turn the casual gameplay into something dark and bitterly sisyphean, right up to the cathartic ending. That optional last cairn is a powerful image. Very atmospheric visually and with the music; I liked the reactivity, longer melodies rewarding your progress on the cairn, and how the seal even comments on your use of non-rock objects (even if it's all ultimately designed to hurt you). Personally, I also enjoyed this as kind of a polyvalent development on Deconstructeam's Eternal Home Floristry. Excited to see what else will come out of this collaboration!